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Boost your immunity with vegetables..Eat them daily to improve your health and protect you from diseases

Nutritionists emphasize that increasing your intake of vegetables every day will improve your cognitive health, immunity and energy levels, along with greens that are full of vitamins and minerals can also help regulate bowel movements.

According to a report by the British newspaper "Daily Mail", "Australian health guidelines advise eating at least five portions of vegetables a day. One serving equals half a cup of cooked green vegetables, one cup of green leafy vegetables or a raw salad or a medium tomato."

Benefits of eating vegetables daily


1. Heals the liver: The liver’s primary role is to metabolize the nutrients we eat, clean the blood and convert toxins into waste products. While the liver is cleaning itself normally, it may not be able to function adequately if it is constantly trying to detoxify sugar, drugs, and external toxins. .

According to experts, cruciferous vegetables such as watercress, Brussels sprouts and broccoli support the second stage of detoxification of the liver and reduce oxidative stress to aid in liver cleansing.

 Improve your cognitive ability: Increasing your intake of greens, especially leafy greens, can help improve your cognitive health.

Boost your energy: The rich vitamin B content in dark leafy vegetables helps convert the foods we eat into energy, and they are also rich in iron, calcium, and vitamins A, C, K and E, so they cover a lot of the nutritional bases, this is especially important for those who don't eat Poultry or seafood.

