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The Kremlin: The Putin, Macron and Merkel talks were not a substitute for the Minsk process

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday that the talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin, his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, which were held on Tuesday via video conference, were not intended to replace the Minsk process, adding that in addition to the situation in Ukraine. The three leaders also discussed a wide range of other issues.

"I would like to repeat that the goal was not to replace the Minsk process," Peskov said - in statements to reporters quoted by the Russian "TASS" news agency, adding that "the set of issues on the agenda was much broader than Ukraine alone." "But they discussed Ukraine in sufficient detail." ".

According to Peskov, Putin did not need to draw any "red lines" regarding the situation in southeast Ukraine because these lines are known to Merkel and Macron, but he stressed the need to influence Kiev to stop provocations "that could lead to serious consequences."

Peskov noted, "In general, the discussion was about the lack of alternatives to the Minsk agreements, and about the state of crisis that arose because the agreements were not implemented."

According to the Kremlin's press office, the Russian president stated that Moscow is ready to resume its interaction with the European Union on the condition that the European Union demonstrates its willingness to do the same. The parties also discussed the prospects for approving the Russian Coronavirus vaccine "Sputnik V" in the European Union, in addition to the possibility of providing vaccine supplies and vaccine production in Europe, according to what was reported by "TASS".

The Kremlin said that the three leaders also touched on humanitarian aid to Syria, the Libyan crisis, and the need to preserve the Iranian nuclear deal known as the "Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action." Besides, Putin made clear the position on Russian opposition blogger Alexei Navalny.

