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Economist: The success of floating the giant ship is an opportunity that rediscovered and marketed the Suez Canal

The success of the Suez Canal Authority in floting the "Evergiven" ship stranded in the shipping course of the Suez Canal sparked widespread reactions, after days of continuous work to return the navigation traffic to its normal course.


Dr. Ibrahim Mustafa, an investment and finance expert, said that the experience that the Suez Canal Authority went through with floating a giant ship of this size was a great opportunity that rediscovered the Suez Canal again from the first day in managing the crisis until now, and emphasized the importance of this global shipping corridor for international trade. Trade volume from 10 to 12%.


Ibrahim Mustafa added, in statements to Al-Youm Al-Sabea, that the survival of more than 230 ships at the entrance and exit of the Suez Canal confirms the importance of the Suez Canal for global trade and the difficulty of availability of other competitive alternatives in front of the shipping lane of the Suez Canal, and that crisis management has proven the literal expertise that it possesses The Suez Canal Authority is facing a crisis of this magnitude in one of the most important global shipping lanes, and thus it has re-marketed the shipping course of the Suez Canal once again in front of all countries and international parties.


Ibrahim Mustafa considered that international laws and frameworks guarantee the rights of the Suez Canal Authority to obtain appropriate compensation for such an accident that led to the suspension of navigation in the course of the Suez Canal, and despite the failure to complete investigations about the crisis and its causes, what was announced by Lieutenant General Osama Rabie, Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority In the recent press conference, the ship exceeded the specified speeds, and its neutrality from the natural course in the navigational course is sufficient to prove the rights of the Suez Canal, and it bears the economic consequences of this event, especially since the daily losses of stopping the shipping course were estimated at 400 million dollars.


Lieutenant-General Osama Rabie, head of the Suez Canal Authority, announced the success of the authority's efforts to re-float the giant Panamanian vessel (EVER GIVEN), which ran aground in the Suez Canal.


Today, Monday, Rabi` said that a press conference will be held this evening; To review all the efforts made by the authority’s men in reshaping the ship and returning it to its normal course again, and to shed light on the details of the return of navigation traffic in the Suez Canal after the ship’s floatation again.


The container ship ran aground by km (151) numbering the canal while crossing the Suez Canal within the southern convoy on its journey coming from China to Rotterdam last Tuesday, as rescue units and the Suez Canal Authority's tugs made rescue attempts to rescue the delinquent ship at the width of the Suez Canal from the very first moment.

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