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What is the small size of the head in newborns

Microcephaly is a rare neurological condition in which the size of the child's head is smaller than the normal head size for the rest of the children of the same age, and this condition is known as microcephaly in some cases at birth, and it is the result of the brain growing abnormally in the womb or not growing enough after birth .

According to what the Mayoclinic website reported, microencephaly occurs with the participation of many genetic and environmental factors, and children with micro-brain often have developmental problems. There is no cure for microencephaly in general, but it is discovered and started early treatment with appropriate means, such as occupational and speech therapy. It will help improve your child's life and development.

A doctor can detect the baby has microcephaly at birth or when conducting regular check-ups for the child. However, if you think that the baby’s head is smaller or not growing as it should, you need to speak to the doctor.

Microcephaly is usually the result of an abnormal growth of the brain, which occurs in the womb (congenital) or during childhood. Microcephaly may be hereditary. Other reasons may include:

1: Chromosomal defects, Down's syndrome and other conditions may cause microcephaly.

2: Low oxygen to the fetus’s brain (cerebral hypoxia). Some complications of pregnancy or childbirth may impede the delivery of oxygen to the fetus’s brain.

3: Infections transmitted to a fetus during pregnancy. These include toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, rubella (rubella), chickenpox (varicella) and Zika virus.

4: Exposure to drugs, alcohol or certain toxic chemicals in the womb. Any of these put your child at risk of developing a brain disorder.

5: Severe Malnutrition Not getting adequate nutrition during pregnancy may affect the development of your baby.

6: Uncontrolled PKU in the mother. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a birth defect that impairs the body's ability to break down DNA phenylalanine.


Some babies with microcephaly are intelligent and normal development, however, their head will always be small for their age and gender. But depending on the cause and severity of microcephaly, complications may include:

1: Delayed development, such as delayed speech and movement.

2: Difficulty with coordination and balance.

3: Dwarfism or short stature.

4: Deformities of the face.

5: Hyperactivity.

6: Intellectual disabilities.

