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Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament on the anniversary of the Halabja massacre: The return of the Baath Party is impossible

The Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Hassan Al-Kaabi, confirmed today, Tuesday, the impossibility of the return of the Baath Party and the dictatorial practices, indicating the need to hold accountable those whose hands were stained with the blood of Iraqis.

In a press release on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the Halabja massacre, Al-Kaabi said that this crime represented a flagrant violation of human values, and was an essential part of the policy of killing, destruction and genocide of the dictatorial regime against Iraqis.

He added, "The mass graves of the criminal Baath and the brutal methods it practiced against all the people of the nation of all religions and nationalities were stunned by their splendor humanity and shook the conscience of the world and will not be erased from the memory and conscience of generations and will remain immortal in the minds, and this massacre is one of the vivid evidence of the brutality of the Baath and the ugliness of dictatorship."

Al-Kaabi indicated that the return of the Baath and all dictatorial practices have become impossible under this current democratic system, stressing that the Halabja massacre is a curse that will chase the Baathists wherever they are, and we will not neglect the punishment.

The Vice President of the Iraqi Council of Representatives stressed, "the necessity to prosecute all those whose hands were stained with Iraqi blood before and after 2003."

Halabja is an Iraqi city in the Kurdistan region. On the sixteenth of March 1988, it was subjected to a chemical bomb attack from 8 Iraqi aircraft, ordered by Saddam Hussein, which resulted in the killing of more than five thousand civilians of Kurdish nationalism.

